Thank you Potpiegirl

Last Update: March 22, 2010

Hello all, just wanted to get going on my WA blog. First I will state that I am a newbie. Learning about Internet Marketing, Article Marketing in the last 5 weeks has been a little tough, sometimes confusing, but in the end quite exhilerating. I find it all completely fascinating and I definately know who I would like to emulate. Yes, you guessed it... Potpiegirl. Wow, I love the way she writes...she is an inspiration for me.

I really liked "The Dam Way" and would recommend it as a must read for all the newbies out there.

Keep on inspiring Potpiegirl... thanks again


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Wootton Premium
potpie is awesome at helping a newbie like me, thanks to her im not as lost as i thought i would be!
kadcpp Premium
Woot! I totally agree.
sherbet penny Premium
I liked the Dam way too, nice post.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think potpiegirl is wonderful too. Fresh air.