Not Going as Fast or as Far as I Would Like...

Last Update: March 26, 2010

Hello friends,

Just another little update. I just wanted to share that I have about six articles on the go and my campaign is getting close to ready, but I feel a little like a turtle. I know I shouldn't beat myself up... I have to remember the full time job  I have to do in order to live, eat, etc.

Anyway...thought I would do a little update and say I am still working it and finding it  "all absolutely fascinating" for someone who knew very little about IM and not a great deal about computers.  

Thank heavens I have always been a good student. Sending smiles and encouragement to all of you newbies, and thanks for the words of encouragement from those that have been around and are experiencing success...



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newwave1972 Premium
Sympathy is her for you I work 54 hours with little time to work on this but i keep trucking because I know what the outcome is. You keep your head high and keep writing you will get there just like me and everybody else that keeps there nose straight against the wind and blows back.
Wootton Premium
i feel you and CHIN UP