I'm More Than Done With Squidoo!

Last Update: March 27, 2011

Good Morning all.  I must say that I have been so upset for the last few days that I couldn't even write this blog.  I found a new niche' that I was interested in and decided to get going right away.  I created a lens on squidoo, published it, then proceeded to bookmark it on about 4-6 bookmarking sites.  You know what?  My stupid lens is still not in the squidoo directory!  I published it days ago!  So there is no way for it to be in google, right?

I sent an email to squidoo, no reply.  First they rejected my WA lens all together,.  Now this.  This is bull!  I proceeded to read their FAQ link and found out it can take up to weeks for your lens to appear in their directory.  When I type in the complete title of my lens in their search, this is what I get:  Congratulations! You are one of the FIRST to search for this topic in Squidoo. Why not be one of the first to BUILD A LENS on it?.

This is a waste of time.  I should have written and submitted my article to SA first!  But this was kind of my test article.  I wanted to use a different keyword phrase for SA.  Well I guess SA will be my first submission from here on out.  Haven't been able to make any money yet due to stupid time wasting issues such as this.  But, I am not a quitter!  I know what I want, and I know what my family needs!  I know Who I belong to, and through Whom my blessings come.  God Bless you all!  Hope your day goes well!

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dec944 Premium
It is the problem when somebody else owns the site. We are at the mercy of their internal controls. I personally love Squidoo, but there are people who just hate it. I did notice the last lens I did last week took almost 3 days to get checked off and it was pretty non-controversial. I'm thinking maybe they are slowing down because of the Google Farmer issue and maybe being really cautious with content. I used to get in the directory within a day; now a little longer. People like Squidoo because it's Web 2.0 and gives some great links. But if it doesn't approve your articles, then it's not worth the time.
burntout Premium
You are not wasting time. You are learning new skills that take time. Be patient. Satisfy the article submission sites guide lines. Satisfy google. Adress your reader's needs in your article. Satisfy your personal criteria for writing the article. Figure out how to get the thing on a web page. Find peace, you're doing very well. These things are big hurdles and you can take pride in having the strenghth to learn them and apply them.
edrika1 Premium
You're Phildeez, it did feel better once I wrote about it. I was just so ticked it took me a while to finally blog! I'm working on my SA article as we speak so I hope to have it submitted shortly. I don't get it some people are crazy about Squidoo, I really like the setup, but if it will take that long for my article to show up, it's not worth my time.
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, one of the most frustrating parts of this business is the stuff over which you have no control, such as Squidoo and other antics. You'll move through it and then feel better. I'm not crazy about Squidoo either. Through trial and error, you find the resources that are right for you.
phildeeze Premium
Doesn't it feel good to blog about it and blow off some steam :) I personally love squidoo, but I can relate to your frustration with having to wait so long for your article to be in the directory. There are so many different directories out there just keep trying them out and you will certainly find one that fits your game plan! As always best of luck.