Posts by Edrika1 15
I checked my quoted keyword phrase and I was at the top of the list of page 1 right under videos. This is a link through  I'm hoping this is a good thing. I need input. Help!
September 14, 2011
Hello everyone. I've been gone for a while, but I'm back!  Been working on my site for the last approx. 2 wks. Almost done I would say.  I took a step back from learning marketing for a while. Everything had gotten too crazy for me to focus.  I got more done in the last two wks than I did in several months before.  I checked and I'm on page 3 of google as of yesterday under my keyword phrase for my site. My first article leading for my site in SA came up on page one. I'm curr
I've started building actual site since SA doesn't accept affiliate links.  It's coming out great I guess.  But being me, I'm still wondering about my Squidoo Article.  It says that it is published and is featured in their search, but no matter how I type it in, it doesn't come up.  I really don't understand what that is about.  I hadn't checked it in probably over a week.  I'm just sick of the whole thing with them. Anyway, working on a wordpress site is a lot of a
1 comment
Good Morning all.  I must say that I have been so upset for the last few days that I couldn't even write this blog.  I found a new niche' that I was interested in and decided to get going right away.  I created a lens on squidoo, published it, then proceeded to bookmark it on about 4-6 bookmarking sites.  You know what?  My stupid lens is still not in the squidoo directory!  I published it days ago!  So there is no way for it to be in google, right? I sent an e
I have this idea to create a site (which I know is not a new idea) about everything.  That way for each niche that I enter into I don't have to start a new site.  I can just create a new landing page within the site and create subpages such as blogs and the like.  Is this a good idea?  Does this work for successful IM.  Please advise experienced IM's.  I'm ready to buy my domain name now and I want to get started.  Pleas HELP!
I know why, but I'm having a hard time promoting WA article wise.  I guess I'm discouraged by article directories being so hard on WA.  I also don't feel that I'm experienced enough to get others excited about the program.  I love it here!  I'm just the type that I want to be able to answer any and every question someone has about something if I consider myself an expert.  Isn't that what make you an expert anyway?  Well, I've had my eye on this niche for quite some
Ok, I submitted an article to Ezine soooo long ago, hadn't heard anything so I started a new article to submit to Squidoo, which I was really excited about because I love their format.  I worked really had on the Squidoo lense.  My article was at least 900 words of information regarding my keywords and WA.  So after all of this work and getting the Amazon affiliate links, creating anchor listings, getting good pics, adding a WA banner, I try to submit and it says it has been flagg
Many of you may not remember those lyrics from Sesame Street many years ago.  I don't want to date my age, but I'm working on my WA site.  It's more difficult than I thought.  I got rid of the whole feeder site thing so I could create my own and get the practice in.  I have my next niche in mind and can't wait to get started but I have to conquer this one first.  I guess I'm probably making it more difficult than it should be.  Getting used to WordPress Express and
March 01, 2011
Thank you all for your prayers. My son is out of surgery and doing fine. Waiting for the go ahead so we can leave.  He had lense replacements a while back and after that what usually happens is some type of film builds up so they then have to go in with a laser and remove the film (capsulotomy) so they can see. One eye at a time, so now we will have to schedule the right eye at a later date. I did get some studying done. I am still very excited about this IM thing.  I really feel in my
March 01, 2011
Well, I'm at the hospital.  My 13 yr old is having eye surgery today.  Thank goodness there is wi-fi.  I will try to get some work done on my site while I'm here.  It's 2pm and he was scheduled for 1:30, now I just found out that he has been pushed back and there is one other patient in front of him. Grrrrr!  I'm sick of hospitals and I'm sure he is to.   I've decided I will try to make the best of my time while I'm here. Work on my lesson, then on my site. Wat