Last Update: March 17, 2011

I have this idea to create a site (which I know is not a new idea) about everything.  That way for each niche that I enter into I don't have to start a new site.  I can just create a new landing page within the site and create subpages such as blogs and the like.  Is this a good idea?  Does this work for successful IM.  Please advise experienced IM's.  I'm ready to buy my domain name now and I want to get started.  Pleas HELP!

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edrika1 Premium
First, thanks each one of you for your input and the reasons supporting them. @jonniki, I understand what you mean about being all over the place. I was just pulling niche's out of the air with my example. My intention is to create a landing page for each niche' and create subpage for that landing page like a blog, review, etc. I will only work one niche at a time. When that is completed including back links and articles, I will move to the next. Hoping to only have to update blogs while working new niches. What is your opinion on that? @jatdebeaune, I will take you up on that pm. @you gotta have faith, when you said, ""on page" were you referring to the landing page? If so, I was planning on having individual landing pages for each niche'. Have you heard or read anything regarding that? please let me know. @slugger_mn, what do you think about the individual blogs as subpages idea? I was just thinking it would make it easier to update new content for the individual niches'. Would you suggest using wordpress for the entire site? I have html training, but like math if you don't use it you lose it. I gotta get the wheels to turnin' again, lol. Please advise. You guys are great! I'm ready to make some money!
jatdebeaune Premium
It's exactly the format I used for my site early on. I still believe in it as a good way to go. However, it has been very difficult to pull off. What Slugger and Joniki say, both accurate. I was told by a well known marketer that I must be a masochist, because one product sites are so much easier and more profitable. She was right. Here's what I've encountered: people think they're shopping when coming to a site like this. They have a good time and leave. You have to direct them to one product and convince they they need it. Have to buy it. Only way you can do that is by creating sites within the site. It is HUGE work, even if you have a team. I'm doing mine almost solo. My sister writes some of the articles, I do the rest. It's an incredible amount of work. I'm about to re-design it with the benefits of what I now know. Google will love you, because it gives juicy content, just what they like. But you want money for such heroic efforts. Feel free to PM me if you want.
joniki Premium
These sites do work well if done correctly. The problem and reason most do not recommend it for new people is because you tend to do exactly what you described your site being about which is all over the place. When new people create these kinds of sites they tend to not spend enough time supporting each area of their site before moving on to something else. The end result is a giant site with no traffic because the sheer amount of supporting content and back links becomes overwhelming to keep up with. If you want to create this type of portal site you have to be very disciplined. Pick the first niche and stay with it until you are driving traffic and sales before moving on to something else. Doing it this way will, as Slugger said, result in pages down the road getting indexed faster and listed high in search results.
This is just my opinion based on what I see many more experienced marketers here teaching, but although you can do it this way, it takes longer to get ranking power because your "on page" info is all over the place. If you're anxious to get going it's much easier and faster to get Google love by have a tightly focused .Com. Just the way Kyle and Carson teach it in the Success In 30 days...
Slugger_mn Premium
If done correctly this is a good idea. Consider this a blog though, and each topic will need its own page within the site, then just push up the article, or page under the correct keywords on google. What will happen is this, over time google WILL fall in love with a site like this assuming the content is all original. Then every time you do create a new page, it will get indexed where you want it very easily and fast. Some of my sites like this are loved by google, and I can post an article about anything I want targeting any keyword I want, and within minutes, the article is indexed and receiving traffic from the keywords I targeted. As long as you know your sites power, and use it accordingly, this is a great idea.