Think I'm finding my way, Yipee! LOL

Last Update: February 13, 2011

Well, in my last post I expressed my concern regarding the fact that I was having difficulty following the action plan. Seems as if I was taking courses all over the place.  Mainly because I was following all of those links in the individual courses.  Now that I have my domain name, followed the Newbie Jumpstart Platinum program, and set up my Mad Marketing Course, I feel like I'm finally on my way to meet my early goals.

I recently received an email encouraging me to set up my blog. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have the blog along with my website or is the blog supposed to replace the website since I used the jumpstart program which essentially sends your visitors to a landing page set up by Wealthy Affiliate.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.  Thanks. May God bless you and keep you.

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edrika1 Premium
Thank you Pounders and Phildeez for your suggestion. I'm suffering with a head cold right now so I'm gonna have to read over things several times in order for them to make sense, LOL. You've been a great help.
Pounders Premium
This is my opinion only: You can have any number of sites/blogs you want. But, its a hassle to "keep them up" if you're not prepared for it. What you mainly want to do is build a site or blog and build it up to promote well. Write as many articles as you can on the different pages in it and redirect the traffic to those pages and blogs. Also, keep in mind that really your goal is to have a good landing page to promote your niche in it. Thats why I say that you can have any # of sites you want.
phildeeze Premium
within wordpress express you can set your home page to be a "static page" which makes it more like a website, but you also set which page you want your blog posts to go to. Basically you have a website with a blog inside. I hope this helps a bit!