WA Keyword Tool, I need HELP!

Last Update: February 21, 2011

Ok, I was up to almost 4 am. working on the WA Affiliate course last night.  My regular course is at a stand still for a few more hours so I decided to get my WA site on the road to success.  I'm really excited. I've learned how to use the WA Keyword tool and now it is making sense to me.  I have all my keyword phrases listed and I'm ready to write an article for each.  One thing though, I decided to go to google adwords to do a check on the first phrase and discovered that google said my quoted competition was over a million! What the Hey!  I did all that research last night! I continuously used the "dig" button.  The WA Keyword tool says my competition for quoted sites is only 485.  I know the course says Google is not accurate, but a million!  I plugged in another phrase, over 100,000 came up in google.  I clicked page 16 just to check and there the quoted phrase was in the sites on the page.  Was all my research for nothing?  Is the WA keyword tool not accurate?  I'm ready to start writing! What do I do?  It's time for the ACTION part of my plan! Help!

Well I was able to find my link here, #https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=86670#p430375 .  I tried it and it worked.  I put my keyword phrase in quotes and went to the last page.  On the first page it said there were over 600,000 by the time I got to page 49 (the last page, it gave me the same number as the WA Keyword tool did which is 485. YIPEE

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Pounders Premium
Both prior answers are absolutely correct. Glad that your taking ACTION instead of waiting around. Time is money! Keep up the initiative!
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like you have figured out that the WA competition tool is a good number. It's a hard concept to grasp but it does work. Write your articles and watch the magic.
smokeywins Premium
My recommendation would be to use the Google Website Competition tool that WA offers. Once you choose a keyword using the tool, switch over and verify the competition rate. Best is under 1000. If the number is over that, it doesn't mean you can't write an article for it, just means you will have a harder time getting traffic due to how many other marketers have already been ranked for the same keyword. Hope that helps.