About Ez4u2c
Joined April 2008
G'Day all. My name is Jeffrey T. Smith but most of my friend call me JT so please, feel free. I've spent the past 15 years in the tech industry as a software engineer and decided it time to go in a different direction. Hence WA.

As some of you already know, I'm a newby. My WA name, ez4u2c, translates to "Easy For You To See". Why? Well, without sounding too cheesy, I wanted to make sure everyone feels comfortable contacting me with comments, advice, and suggestions as I get started. So please, feel free to buddy up and I'll be more than happy to return the favor.
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ez4u2c Premium
My apologies for just getting back to this. Had a function to attend that chewed up most of my day. Thanks for the tips. I've already started the 8 week course but will also look into Travis' BUM Marketing Video.
ez4u2c Premium
Hey Pajama Income, you mentioned I got quite a welcome below." What are you referring to if you don't mind my asking?
corletters Premium
Welcome to WA, I have just joined recently and I am looking forward to learning heaps through WA. It is a great resource eh! I have started the 8 week course. All looks good.

Al the best.
keep in touch

ez4u2c Premium
Thanks for the welcome Graeme and greeting to you also. Like you, I'm new to this journey and agree it's a great resource. Although I'm still a little overwhelmed I think I'm starting to get my head around it a bit. I've started the 8 week course and so far so good. It's a great way to get started especially when your starting from scratch.
sdeveaux Premium
Welcome to WA. I'm relatively new but have already made money just from the WA jobs section. I should be launching my first all-out campaign this weekend and I'll post the results to the success or general forum. I highly recommend you follow the 8 week plan and it really helped me to check out Travis' Bum Marketing Method video and get his free online course - it's short and clears up alot of the questions you may have as you begin to dig in. It's at:
[URL]www.bummarketingmethod.com[URL] Success and blessings.

ez4u2c Premium
My apologies for just getting back to this. Still getting used to everything. Originally posted my response in my own space, oops. Anyway, thanks for the welcome and the advice. I've already started the 8 week course and should be getting and starting week 2 sometime today or tomorrow. I'll will also look into Travis' BUM Marketing Video.

Pajama Income Premium
I see you got quite a welcome below. WA is a great place to learn, you should be happy here
Pajama Income Premium
Don't worry about it. It seems like K C have taken care of the trouble maker. Seems like they did before you were able to read it. Trust me you did not miss anything
ez4u2c Premium
Hey Pajama Income, thanks for the welcome. In your welcome you mentioned, "I got quite a welcome below." What are you referring to if you don't mind my asking?
ez4u2c Premium
PI, hope you are well. Thanks for the heads up. All I can say is WOW! Just getting started and sounds like a fellas already getting drama. Gotta admit, I'm a little curious about what it was all about but, I'm lad K & C were able to take care of it.

BTW, how long have you been a member? Sounds like you've been in for a minute. Any advice or tips?
