Gai's WA 30 day experience

Last Update: May 10, 2012
Today is 7 day and I have refrained from posting up until now as I had a few challenge.  Probably should have recorded as it is all part of the experience but nonetheless I seem to be up and running now.  My site is and I am excited to be on my way with site now.  :) Gai
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GaiC Premium
Day 8 submitted 3 articles and started on the content for me first page. Coming along ok. Hopefully this will be the answer I seem to have struggled with organic traffic in the past!
krafty Premium
Nice start, you can make it into an authority site by adding 500-600 word posts 3 times a week or so. Do research on low competition keyword phrases for each post and you will notice that your traffic will continue to increase.
TJ Books Premium
that's the first time I heard that a blog post should be 5-600 words. Mine are never that long. I would make a page out of that. So, new info. Also the freq was interesting. John
krafty Premium
If you have longer posts, then the chances of getting long tail keyword traffic is a lot higher. Add in a pix also that has a title that is a related keyword phrase for image traffic.
GaiC Premium
Thank you as I sat here yesterday written the content for my first page, I did wander how long it should be i.e. do you do one of 400 - 500 or 2 of 250 words. Thanks for clearing it up