Success for today 18/8

Last Update: August 18, 2012
My to do list today was 2 articles and 2 pages of web content both done that was i can catch up with a friend tomorrow and know that the writing is taken care of

I also finally with the help of WA friends worked out how to set you my menus so happy that I resolved another outstanding items.

If you have some time to have a look I would appreciate the feedback here is the site. I have also updated the welcome and about pages and well as adding content.

I still need to change the header image some how but haven't worked that out as yet..

Thanks in advance

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GaiC Premium
Yes I'm happy with it now
Shawn Martin Premium
Coming along nicely!
I like the website :) Looking good!

Can I make a suggestion? Put a picture of yourself on your "About Me" page. Seeing as it's a personal page I think it'll great with a picture... Just a suggestion :)
GaiC Premium
Great suggestion, I did have a picture but it disappears and I haven't worked out how to get it back on get. A task for tomorrow perhaps. Thanks for visiting