Small Celebrations

Last Update: August 21, 2012
A small celebration today as I have submitted my 10th SA today. (I did say small right)
So I am still on track with a SA and new page added to my site each day
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Freedomseekr Premium
That is a good reason for a celebration!! Congratulations!
BIS Premium
Congratulations - 10 is a cause for celebration, as is the fact that youve managed to stay on track.
gud Premium
I am having a small celebration of my own as I just got my first Street Article published. It may be a small step, but it is progress. Congrats on your 10th
BIS Premium
I remember when I published my first one - it felt really good and although I've published loads since then nothing has beaten the pleasure of the first - because it's then that I could say I was an internet writer. Keep going and have fun with them.