Posts by Garrd 12
I was looking around things today and found out I now have two lens featured in Squidoo. One  only took  three days I would love to get some comments posted and some ratings or even some links to it or bookmarked that would make my Christmas extra special.   Thank you all HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Thanks for the ratings.   
December 21, 2009
I have another Lens Listed on Google front page It got listed with in one hour I was shocked But very Happy. It is nice to see your work going some where. If you are interested you can check it out and rate it and leave comment if you so desire   Everyone Have A great and wonderful Christmas. I still leave Christ In my Christmas   
1 comment
December 19, 2009
I have created a new lens that will show you where and how to advertise on cell phones. This is a great and powerful market  Check out this LENS Cell Phone Advertisment
December 12, 2009
If you are a person that writes articles why do you do it ?  I am wondering why you as a writer decided to write articles, I am asking so I can put some of the answer into my new Introduction article to Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet New web site. I believe there are so many different reasons that writers do what they do and I would like to inform others of those reasons. I would like for you to give a short reason why you do what you do if you would be so kind.
1 comment
December 09, 2009
        Can Article or Blog journalism even survive, let alone thrive on “passion” alone? Though passion is crucial in the initial stages of new media development, be it running a blog or an internet article site, it can never sustain the momentum for long. Until now there where no sites that allowed their writers to monetize, their articles with out going to another page or site. But Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet has a different concept, that will allow th
WEALTHY AFFILIATE ARTICLE MAGNET WELCOMES YOU Well every one I have been away for a long time from my blog. I have had allot of computer problems and IP problems. But now that it is all fixed and I am back  able to do some work. I have created a place that I am going to help YOU and ME. This is my idea and I have already started to build a site that I would like for First And foremost WA Members. Here is what I am going to do for WA members. I will allow you to create your own page where
October 31, 2009
Oh my Goodness My Lens at Squidoo is featured and it has only been up since the 27th I am in shock. Feel free to check it out and leave any comments.   WA2009Challenge
October 18, 2009
WA link exchange is a great idea for all of us, to show support for WA members. Will you be willing to give your site URL so people here at WA could back link to your site so your ranking in Google would increase?  Please post your ideas.
October 18, 2009
I have been sitting here tonight wondering how to continue on the topic of RESPECT, and I thought about WA and how all the people here show respect to all that come to WA, no matter if someone singed up 5 seconds ago or you are someone like Kyle, It does not matter to us because we are all here for the same reason and purpose, and that is to create some kind of wealth for ourselves, maybe it is because we have a vacation coming up and want extra money, or we need to support our family. We here
1 comment
Change your mind,stretch your mind, think like an entrepreneur! Change your mind = changing your world, there is nothing wrong with wanting more out of life Align yourself with the natural flow of prosperity and educate yourself. It is your life own it.  What are you looking for? What do you REALLY want? You see Entrepreneurs take business opportunities very seriously. Serious Entrepreneurs d not wait for opportunities to come to them. They study their environment and opportunities to get i