Together We STAND at WA

Last Update: October 18, 2009

I have been sitting here tonight wondering how to continue on the topic of RESPECT, and I thought about WA and how all the people here show respect to all that come to WA, no matter if someone singed up 5 seconds ago or you are someone like Kyle, It does not matter to us because we are all here for the same reason and purpose, and that is to create some kind of wealth for ourselves, maybe it is because we have a vacation coming up and want extra money, or we need to support our family.

We here at WA have such a heart for our members that we are willing to do what ever it takes, or go that extra mile to help each other and we don't feel threatened by anyone else. We all are here to make money and that is the bottom line, I have one idea that will also help us to show our members how much they are Respected at WA. I would like to start an link exchange here at WA, so we here can go and link with other peoples site that are like minded,we always talk about back linking  with other sites then why not back link to our members sites NOT (Their WA Site) but their squidoo's their articles and their product sites ect.... If we are all here to do the basic same thing and that is to Create Wealth, Respect, and more Wealth then why not start this and help all of our members to get our dreams as a team.This will help all new members not feel left out and help them to brag up WA, even more. This will also help our old timers here to create more wealth and make it easier to for them to help others here. I see this opportunity as a win win situation.

If you read this please please leave a note of any kind


Best to ALL



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klrrider Premium
Maybe an in house reciprocal linking tool.
3 fields. General niche, anchor text, URL.
Then a way to make the exchange, link for link.

Kinda like WA Jobs format without $$$