Why DO Writers Write

Last Update: December 12, 2009

If you are a person that writes articles why do you do it ?

 I am wondering why you as a writer decided to write articles, I am asking so I can put some of the answer into my new Introduction article to Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet New web site. I believe there are so many different reasons that writers do what they do and I would like to inform others of those reasons.

I would like for you to give a short reason why you do what you do if you would be so kind.

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Barnabus Premium
I feel I write for a few reasons. The first and foremost is I feel like I have something to share. If anything I say gives a person an idea or subject matter for them to expand on I've accomplished something. Next, I write to express my views, right or wrong. Through controversy comes discussion and through discussion comes clarification.Third, I write for self appeasement (or ego if you will) If I get a healthy response, I'm pumped. If not, I'll improve on my next. and last I write for the money. If I can get paid for doing the other three, it is an ideal situation. Barnabus