About Gkygrl
Joined October 2007
I am a trained psychologist who as also spent 7 years in religious life. My background is extremely diverse and I finally decided to settle into the world of IT in the late 1990's where I had a great time and received the chance to blend both a psych background and religious background through Volunteerism as a hospital Chaplain. Great stuff!

In 2002, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and was encouraged by my Neurologist to retire from Corporate life due to mounting complications from MS. While most people might LOVE the idea of getting to retire, I didn't. I love to work and create and have found new means to do it without pressure and stress. I have a ton of IT background and now I have time too to enjoy some of the nicer parts of life. I love IM because I can work at my own pace, report to no one and can focus on earning some fun money along the way. I love the Law of Attraction and believe that it blends perfectly with a "work at home" type of mentality. It takes faith and a lot of inner-work and knowledge to really make a go of it. I love that and have written an eBook (my first) on the topic.

In IM I currently make about 1.5 to 2K per month from a combo of EPN and other affiliate marketing. Sometimes some of the biggest earning opportunities are right in front of your nose -- I am now going to pump up my work on Squidoo (since I do so much of it) using Karl Pemberton's methods.

i enjoy summers in my swimming pool, time in Las Vegas (or any casino when not Vegas) playing Craps. I love craps and do quite well at it when the table is not too choppy or cold. I have a bit of a risk-taker in me, so IM is fun. I like to golf when I get the chance and I love playing tennis when my MS allows me. And oh, yeah ... I am a huge fan of the Boston Red Sox (and I am a New Yorker). I am accustomed to swimming against the tide sometimes :)

Earning big bucks would be cool. I'm definitely motivated and "employing" the power of intention to help my drive. Other motivation comes from being an Army veteran (military police). Hoo ahhhh :)

My goals involve working towards earning $100.00 a day consistently in IM. I really feel that if I can do it more consistently, the sky is the limit!

For fun I love martial arts (I study Combat Hapkido and am getting ready for my Orange Belt test), love to write music, sing, play drums and guitar. I enjoy swimming in my pool, playing a round of golf now and then and GAMBLING. I have the "gambling gene" and enjoy playing craps. Most times, I can walk away with 5 to 10 times my stake. I would love to go to Vegas with WA and need to work on that more!

Regarding websites, I have a LOT of them. Here's a small sampling :)
Gkygrl's Accomplishments

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RedRose Premium
Hi gkygrl,

WOW!! A rank newbie like myself could learn a ton from you. I would definately like to add you to my buddy list if you don't mind. I wish you great success with clickbank and all of your other IM endeavors. :)
RedRose Premium
Hi gkygrl,

Thanks to you as well for the donation. I think "big bucks" is in the eye of the beholder. Right now I would consider 1.5 - 2k per month big bucks! How long did it take you to reach that point? Congratulations, keep going!
gkygrl Premium
Hi RedRose (great name by the way) ... you are in the right place to learn and be inspired. There is so much here to use and learn from ... and for the inspiration alone ... it is a great place.

Enjoy your time on WA and make lots of money :) It is possible and doable.. Go for it!

Take care,

gkygrl Premium
RedRose, Thank you for the donation. I appreciate it. I'm passing the love along as well and wish you the best!
gkygrl Premium
Hi RedRose:

You are right, "Big Bucks" is in the eye of the beholder. The time it has taken me to earn this much is about 1 year. I enjoy working on my Internet Marketing ventures (BANS mostly) when I am watching Red Sox games in the evening or at times like that. It's funny, because I use a lot of the "Law of Attraction" and really believe it works. I could be much more aggressive with my niches, etc but I take it easy and let things happen without getting all stressed out. For me it is fun and like a treasure hunt on the Internet.

It needs to be fun :)

Best Wishes in your journey!

HealthSupplier Premium
To Gkygrl:

I checked out your sites Health & Beauty Auctions, Martial Arts Auctions, My Big Fat Web Tools, WA & The Power of Intention.
These are all helpful sites. Thanks for the URL links.


hanji Premium
Hello - I see you're into EPN.. me too!
hanji Premium
Yep.. I'm looking into other opportunities as well. Thanks for the add!
gkygrl Premium
EPN Rules. Nice to meet you Hanji. I hope EPN is working well for you. I want to stretch my wings into Clickbank a bit more, too. :) I'll add you to my buddies. Best wishes!
Ntweetyd Premium
HI,,,I'm from MA...go SOX. Just thought I would send you a message and say HI.
Take care. Nicole :)
Affventure Premium
Hey, I think I've seen your picture a lot when I was very active in Squidoo.... :D

Welcome to WA community, hope to hear your success stories in PPC marketing soon in the forum!
gkygrl Premium
Hi Affventure -- Yeah, I am pretty much a Squidoo addict. It's nice to be here though and I hope to take my IM to the next level.

Fun fun fun!

Take care! Best Wishes,
