Posts by Globaldawg 2
September 24, 2009
My Short Term Goals Over the next two days, Sept. 25th and 26th, I intend to accomplish the following goals. 1. Complete reading the Action Plan literature. 2. Go back through the materials I've read and identify concepts that I'm not clear on. 3. Post a list of questions in the appropriate forums to try to get clarification of the parts I don't understand. 4. Complete the research I started a few days ago on independent affiliate programs and join the ones that align to my niches. 5. Bring my
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September 24, 2009
My WA Journal September 25th I'm within a day of completing my 1-week trial period and I'm certain that I'm going to continue on.  I think the most important thing I've learned this week is to pace myself and just focus on learning for a while before I start thinking in terms of making money.  I've decided to start with mastering Article Writing.  I've read a few tutorials and pretty much understand the basic concepts involved in process.  However, I still need to clearly un