Short Term Goals

Last Update: September 24, 2009

My Short Term Goals

Over the next two days, Sept. 25th and 26th, I intend to accomplish the following goals.

1. Complete reading the Action Plan literature.

2. Go back through the materials I've read and identify concepts that I'm not clear on.

3. Post a list of questions in the appropriate forums to try to get clarification of the parts I don't understand.

4. Complete the research I started a few days ago on independent affiliate programs and join the ones that align to my niches.

5. Bring my first campaign to a close by submitting my efforts to an affiliate network (Squidoo) or an independent affiliate program.  (This will be a challenge over the next two days because right now I have a lot of questions; however, I've got to push to complete this in order to move on.)

6. Organize my niches and determine campaign approaches.

Looking Ahead

Once I complete these tasks, I want to set a schedule for a weekly routine.  I want to include (1) time allotted for reading through specific materials/tutorials related to research and article marketing, (2) time allotted for reading through the forums for relevant and related issues, (3) a determination of when and how many articles I will write per day/week and (4) days I will submit articles.  This is only a rough idea of a weekly schedule but at least it initiates the action.


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Brekat23 Premium
Wow, very impressive how clean cut and organized you are. Definitely an advantage when it comes to managing stress! I left you a message on an opportunity you may be interested in so let me know what you decide :) Later.