My WA Journal

Last Update: September 24, 2009

My WA Journal

September 25th

I'm within a day of completing my 1-week trial period and I'm certain that I'm going to continue on.  I think the most important thing I've learned this week is to pace myself and just focus on learning for a while before I start thinking in terms of making money.  I've decided to start with mastering Article Writing.  I've read a few tutorials and pretty much understand the basic concepts involved in process.  However, I still need to clearly understand how to use the keyword tools, hone my skills in addressing the relevancy factor related to article writing and how to align articles to Squidoo and other affiliate networks as well as independent affiliate programs.

Kyle, PotPieGirl and Ezinewriter have written great tutorials on Squidoo that have been very helpful in understanding what it's all about.  Ezinewriter and ccmusicman have offered good tutorials on Article Writing and JustinBrooke has written a very informative tutorial on researching.  

By the middle of the week, I somewhat abandoned the Action Plan literature so one of my short term goals is to get back to the literature and complete all the readings over the next two days.  It's easy to get side-tracked.  After feeling like I got the BIG PICTURE, I diverted my attention to Article Writing and the tutorials related to it and then I got antsy after finally writing a couple of articles and jumped into creating several Squidoo lenses.  That drive to get out there and MAKE SOME MONEY can take over when you least expect it.  And that approach is alright for some, but for me--I feel that it's best to just take my time to learn and master the various techniquesefore I start a full on campaign drive. So, for the moment, I find myself at the end of the first week with a few loose ends that need to be tied up before I continue forward.

Following one of the many words of advice I got this week, my next step is to generate a short term goal schedule.  Once I sort out what I need to accomplish immediately, I'll be able to move forward and get to some other things that I became aware of over the past week.   

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1courage Premium
How is everything going Globaldawg. I decided to go through my buddy list & see how everyone was doing. My progress is slow, but sure. I just wrote my first article. How are you doing with WA?
1courage Premium

Thanks for the kind & encouraging words you left on my blog.

I smiled when you admitted your tendency to abandon much of the reading in attempt to focus on making money as quickly as possible. I was amused because I could relate, however I have the opposite problem. I tend to read, read some more, & reread while making little or no progress. Often unsure of what my next step will be. I tend to be overly cautious and afraid to make that first move. That’s why I marvel at the little steps I make.

I decided to take the advice of one of the earlier lessons & actually take action. This particular lesson basically states that in order to be really good at a skill, you have to match consistent reading with consistent action. That’s what I’m trying to do. The actions I take aren’t big steps (because I don’t understand the whole scheme to make those big steps yet). I take steps in accordance to what I just learned. I think taking action after reading, just helps me (or anyone) to understand what they read better.

So don’t be too hard on yourself. Your focus on making money just means you are very eager to get this thing going. You are a man of action. That’s a good thing it’s a sign of confidence. Something I need more of, something we all need more of. I do agree with you, however, that the little steps will “mount to great gains” eventually.

It’s a good thing that we each are conscious of our tendencies & are willing to adjust our actions accordingly.

Also I am really impressed with the organization of your goals. I plan to use yours as a model when organizing mine a little better.

Take care