Posts by Glowinggal 11
January 17, 2011
Sat in on a webinar tonight.  It was very informative but am I the only one that is starting to feel like a lot of the webinars outside of WA of course are actually geared towards getting us to buy their service or product - same as their newsletters and sites out there.  Getting us to pick up that one last "have to have" product that will make us all the money we need.  Resist - I tell ya - resist.  Just focus&
January 15, 2011
Well after much hemming, hawing and not taking action; now is the time.  I have taken some drastic steps that have produced big changes in my personal life - making internet marketing even more important to me and my girls.  I picked up a full-time/temporary jobb back in December to pay off some debts;  now I have officially let my DH know that we are splitting.  I don't want to air my "dirty laundry" here on WA but also want to emphasize the importance this is to m
One of the biggest and what should be simplest things for me to overcome was the re-dedication of time to myself and getting that time organized.  The month of September found myself getting caught up on things and trying so hard to do everything - both for my business and for IM.  I realized that just doesn't work for me.  I'd think this is true for anyone even... focus on one task and just get it done and move onto the next (:  This has helped me get ahead on my non-IM busi
June 22, 2010
I have realized that one of the biggest time suckers I have are these kids that aren't even mine that I babysit as a favor for my cousin.  I can't get a blessed thing done... a 4 yo who frequently is very sassy and likes to hit; and a baby just over 1 yo who seems to already be following in big brother's foot steps. .  It  completely drains me by the end fo the day from wanting to even attend to my work online or find the inspiration and creative thinking needed for both
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So for me, this was a great week on the "getting things done" front. From my post below it may not appear I got it all done, so some may wonder how I can make that statement.  I look at it as a great accomplishment to have gotten so much of it done - yes there is some pending but I will get to that in the next few days too.  We had so many UNEXPECTED things come up this week and you have to give yourself room - in you personal mental space - to be ok with that... and know yo
NOTE:   I don’t expect anyone to read this forever long post.. It’s mostly for myself to stay on track a bit. For me – I need to develop staying on track a bit better.  Part of doing that for today is by posting my list of what needs to be done here and coming back through the day and updating it. I also babysit my cousin’s two little boys (1yo and 4yo) and this morning they already appear to be a HAND FULL…. Baby screaming and crying all morning since the moment dad dro
May 18, 2010
I just had a HUGE post typed up and b/c the content panel overlaps the links on the left in IE; I tried to edit something at the end of a line and it CLICKED the link instead of the conent in my area here where I type and LOST the entire post - UGH!!!  Will be typing my content up in word from now on and copy and pasted it here. Have reported this bug in the WA forums - can only click on source then save b/c my Save button is also overlapping the right side content and can't save othe
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May 17, 2010
So I got side-tracked last week with not feeling well AT ALL.  Disappointed with that too since I didn't have to babysit my cousin's little boys at all that week!  Anyways - it was one week out of many right?  Only thing to do is shrug it off and make this week the best I can and get as much done possible.  I don't have to watch them on Thursday so hope to take the ENTIRE day to get things caught up. Have been reading in the forums... and do wish there were more current succe
May 10, 2010
Been reading over some of the forum posts - so much to read... it's easy to get side-tracked in there so plan tonight to just reply to a few threads and focus on learning what i need to (I know a lot already though) and deciding what direction to go from there (:
Get reacquainted with the forums, members, etc. - get  "connected" and involved in the community.  Afterall it's what will end up inspiring me to do great with this!