Accept the Unexpected....

Last Update: May 21, 2010

So for me, this was a great week on the "getting things done" front.

From my post below it may not appear I got it all done, so some may wonder how I can make that statement.  I look at it as a great accomplishment to have gotten so much of it done - yes there is some pending but I will get to that in the next few days too.  We had so many UNEXPECTED things come up this week and you have to give yourself room - in you personal mental space - to be ok with that... and know you will get to it - just not when you hoped to.

I am still working on that list tonight and tomorrow and hope to knock most of it out YEAH!

Today is another unexpected thing of course.... my daughters ball of her foot is very painful.  She complains of it going numb and tinglilng from time to time.  Taking her to a podiatrist this afternoon.  Hopefully it's something that they can help her by either a) fixing or b) relieving pain... she has her last dance competition of the season on Sunday and would hate to see her suffering through it like she has in practices. I just hope it's nothing more serious than maybe a pinched nerve or something.

So.... where am I going with this.  Nowhere really - lol.  But I am going to the fridge for a RedBull to get me through the afternoon and hop on the rest of that TOOOO long but much needed to be completed "TO DO" LIST (:

Accept the Unexpected.... roll with it and make the best of it!

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