The time is coming.

Last Update: June 22, 2010

I have realized that one of the biggest time suckers I have are these kids that aren't even mine that I babysit as a favor for my cousin.  I can't get a blessed thing done... a 4 yo who frequently is very sassy and likes to hit; and a baby just over 1 yo who seems to already be following in big brother's foot steps. .  It  completely drains me by the end fo the day from wanting to even attend to my work online or find the inspiration and creative thinking needed for both my online business and internet marketing (niche ideas for instance).

The babysitting sucks so much of my time and have decided not to continue doing this.  Yes, it's extra income which we need in our household; but the way I look at it... after I'm done babysitting and can put much of my time then into the marketing and my own business... the return will more than make up for them not invading my household and personal space in terms of thoughts and time.

Not to mention time for dollars does NOT convert when you consider the frustration and strain these two boys who are so misbehaved place on my family as a whole.  My own children dread their arrival in our house daily and my husband sleeps during the day b/c he works third shift...

With my new free time as of this Monday (the 28th); I have decided to complete the outstanding work needed on my scrapbooking site and then move ahead feverently with the internet marketing. 

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moonvine Premium
It sounds like you have made a good decision. Our on line work won't be taken seriously by anybody until we take it seriously ourselves - and that means some lifestyle changes for me, too.