Day 2

Last Update: April 25, 2010

Well I managed to get my head spinning. Finished the first set of to dos and have to wait the required 19 hours. Decided to do some looking around. Let's see, I started with PotPieGirl's Quick Action guide during which I sidetracked into her article on making and optimizing a squidoo page. Then I read the article marketing quick start guide which led me to go looking for affiliate programs online. I was looking for "green" products and low and behold there is a green affiliate programs network. I won't have any trouble finding products to talk about.

After seeing how much affiliate programs drive traffic on the net I am no longer surprised that real, hard, trustworthy information is hard to find. I always wondered why most of the sites google directed me to seemed to be no more than product clearing houses. I hope I can offer more than that. Maybe I can use these tools to drive traffic to sites with the kind of content I find useful AND make some money doing it.

Too much reading today. Have to get some "doing" going.

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Maghdalena Premium
I found your blog very inspirational and a good idea. I think I need to visualize my website too. Keep up the fantastic work. :) It'll get me headed in the right direction along with working the Action Plan (I''m on the "Mindset" part and checking out the research.)
Have a good one.
rocktivity Premium
And don't forget, there's nothing to stop you from coming up with your OWN green product! I'd bet you could write a couple of e-books about caring for trees in your sleep! ;)
Rob Lee Premium
Great job on getting off to a great start so fast! I think green products are going to take off very quickly, so it's a great choice! Good luck with everything!