One more lens up and running

Last Update: May 14, 2010

Alright, one more lens up. It is called Beginning Homeschooling In Saskatchewan

 The plan (an ever malleable thing) is to build a "welcome to home-schooling" lens for the four Western Provinces. I want to see if I can drive up my google rank by targeting geographically. Also, because the lenses will be similar, I am hoping to repurpose some of the content, although the province-specific links will obviously be different. I can then link these to more general pages to be built in the future. I can also take advantage of the many home-schooling forums out there. Right now I am simply using the Amazon module to promote books and other resources. As I become involved in more affiliate networks, I will work those into the pages.


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Louise M. Premium
that's a good lens! If I were you I'd put some words in bold (with the tag) and put some more space in the last paragraphs. Good luck! :)