Day 5/6 (I think)

Last Update: April 29, 2010

Working two jobs fourteen hours a day so little time last two days. Finished next lesson in Step be step plan so have to wait 4 days for next piece of the puzzle. Meanwhile have found two or three potential niche to research further. 1. parents of children with aspergers 2. home schooling parents 3. parents of problem teenagers. I a focusing on parenting because in one of the tutorial;s it was emphasized that you want to be approaching a niche group with an emotional investment in their question. When I thought of MY most pressing concerns, they all had to do with the welfare of my children. Anyone who types "is my child crazy" in the google search window definitely has an immediate need for some answers. There is no shortage of books and material available that can be accessed through affinity programs - lots of stuff at clickbank and certainly many many books if one wanted to go the Amazon way.

I am also planning on writing an e-book tentatively titled "What do you mean our money is gone?"; How to be sure your financial advisor is not ripping you off. This is an area in which I have some authority.

Over the next couple days I will review the Dam method and the Squidoo approach and begin building some online presence and picking some specific products to promote. My goal (which I think is fairly modes is to be making $50 a month by the end of May and $750 by the end of June. There, I've said it, now I need to go out and do it.

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