A Big Test This Week

Last Update: June 27, 2011

 Just a quick blog today.  And that's kind of the reason for the title as well.

I'm currently one day into working seven days on the spin.  So one down six to go!!  And this is the reason why I want to be a successful Internet Marketer

Not only am I working eight hours, I am travelling for almost 2 and a half hours as well.  This makes the days very long and tiring.

I'm not afraid of hard work, but I really would rather be focussing so many hours into WA.  I feel this is where my future is.

Of course, at the moment though, my job pays the bills and until the Internet Marketing covers those bills I'm stuck in a job I would rather not be in.  Even though some days I really love what I do, most days get me down.

Anyway, the test I have made myself is to do at least half an hour of Internet Marketing each day.  That way I can continue making progress towards those first few pounds!

I'll let you know how I get on.



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