It's Been A While!

Last Update: July 26, 2011

 It's been a couple of weeks since I have blogged so thought I would write a quick one!

The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a nightmare and I've barely had the time to even go online let alone write articles and improve my ranking etc.

However today I have managed to write three articles to Street Articles so hopefully they will be going live in the next few hours.

After I finish this blog I will be writing at least two more article and submitting them to

There is some good news though, an article I submitted to three weeks ago is now top of page 2 in an unquoted search for my keyword.

As much as I like street articles and the speed at which the articles go live, which is of course good for backlinking, ezinearticles appears to rank higher faster even though it take s about a week for an article to go live.

Anyway I'll leave this slightly messy blog now and check back soon.  Hope all my WA Buddy's are well.  How are you getting on?  Let me know I'd love to hear.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Ian, Good job with your articles. Congrats! Sorry to hear the word "nightmare". Hope all is okay in your life now. I am experimenting with a few things and trying to spin a few plates at once. Trying to stay focused on the spinning plates. This business involves multi- tasking, even when you outsource. Trick is to complete tasks. Multi-tasking is a waste of effort if important stuff is left dangling. So, that's what I've been up to. Will be taking a few days at the end of this month, so trying to complete projects.