Some Exciting News

Last Update: June 30, 2011

Less than 36 hours after I set my website up properly (by fixing the plugins properly) I am pleased to say that when my niche words are searched in Google in quotes, my site appears as the 7th result!  That is from 1,900 potential sites.

Now I know that most people don't search in quotes too much and I need to be higher than 7th but I think, for a site that is essentially a Home page with a 1%-2% Keyword Density article on it, a blog page with just two blogs so far and a privacy page, that amounts to a great start!

Last night I was hoping to write a couple of blogs for my site but unfortunately I just didn't get time at all.  Tonight, however, I am going to write at least one.  And make a start on an article to submit to the directories.

My niche keywords return 21m unquoted results and of course my page ranks nowhere.  But for now, that is fine, I haven't really put much into my site so far.  Though I have worked as hard as I could have in my first 8 days!

It just goes to show that the advice from WA works.  And as I have said before I know I haven't even scratched the surface of what is on offer at WA.  

I'm keen to just keep doing at least a little work each day and remain in touch on the forum and WA Spaces to soak up as much knowledge as possible.

But for now I'm pretty pleased with where I am upto in just 8 days! 

I swear, I can smell that first sale!!!!


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IveTriedThat Premium
8 Days... not bad! In fact, very impressive! Keep at it and keep us updated. :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Ian for taking action!