Posts by Ijs182 12
June 25, 2011
  I'm sure I'm not the only person who has this issue.  And I know I won't be the last.   What am I talking about? Working a 'normal' job whilst starting up with WA!  Or put another way:  Having other commitments that you need to offer some time and attention to in your life. After just a few days here at WA it's become obvious that the demands of my normal job really do limit the amount of effort I can put in.  There are several reasons for this. I commute o
June 24, 2011
A Warm Welcome I think it's pretty important to keep motivated in a business such as Internet Marketing.  Whenever you are your own boss it's absolutely vital that you don't get lazy.  Laziness gets you precicely nowhere.  I know because I have done that in the past! One of the things that persuaded me to join Wealthy Affiliate is their clear approach that this isn't an online 'Get Rich Quick' miracle program. Such things simply don't exist.  I admire honesty.  Now