Posts by Incognito 16
What is brand equity you ask?I came across this video by a guy who runs a successful niche video blog (hint, hint...) by the name of Gary Vaynerchuk who hits the nail on the head. Really motivating video for those of us who need a kick up the butt from time to time (I know *I* for one am one of those).Taking Action is "the Key".Check out the video below: You can also read about Gary's bio right here Leave me your comments below as I would really like to know what you think. Ride the w
Not sure if you heard the latest news related to the change with our beloved TLD domains (.com, .org, .net). Seems as though there is a major change coming to a screen near you. Here is a summary of the article: "In a worldwide internet revolution to be announced next month, web addresses will expand beyond, with governments, businesses and entrepreneurs expected to rush to apply for signature domain names. The move will reduce confusion and cut reliance on search engines like Goog
Hi guys, Just came across this cool little tool that may be of interest to you. Pretty much what it does is analyze your website for speed issues and provides recommendations on what areas you should fix up. Considering that Google also accounts for the speed of your website to determine rankings I thought it might be useful to at least keep in the back of your mind. Get YOUR Need For Speed Here Enjoy! Leo
Hi guys, Just came across this great Infographic by the guys over @ SEO Book which I thought I would share with you.  It really illustrates some of the recent Google changes that have occured in the SEO world with the new "Farmer/Panda Update". You can click on the image below to view the larger version. Infographic by SEO Book Would love to hear your thoughts on it, so leave me your comments below. Ride the wave :) Leo
As promised to the WA crew, I would like to share with you a quick review of my One on One talk session with Jay. After some time zone brainstorming (as I'm 19 hours ahead) we finally got things sorted out and managed to match up our schedules for the one on one this past Sunday. Well what can I say about Jay besides the fact that he is a true teacher, down to earth, very easy to talk to and an overall top dude. Then again, aren't most Canadians?  So what was the chat all about? Well
Hello everyone! So I just published my very first video within the WA Training Center :) Quick SquidTip Video - Increase Your CTR with Squidoo Though it may sound silly I really enjoyed the whole process. Something that at first seemed quite scary, now is starting to feel like the beginning of an addiction. Just wanted to let you all know about it...when you have a moment swing by, have a view and let me know what you think of it. Would definitely welcome the feedback - that's ultimately the on