Am I doing enough?

Last Update: April 11, 2011
I've read with admiration some of the stories that other WA members are posting and the progress they are making and wonder if I'm doing enough?
At the time of writing I've launched a couple of WA affiliate sites and another niche site, written one article and have 3 squidoo sites.  My question is really: Should I be doing little bits of everything or a lot of one thing in particular?
My first goal is to make my first sale - I think that when this has been achieved, then a milestone will have been reached and I can progress. 
I'd be pleased to hear from others and their point of view?
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Labman_1 Premium
First Sale is a noble goal but don't be upset if it takes a while. Keep getting content out there and take massive action. This is what is needed when you are starting out. If you haven't seen PotPieGirls stuff add her to your friends list and check out her resources on her spaces page. There is lots of stuff there for newbies. Good Luck and keep plugging away.