Retiring After 30 Years!

Last Update: April 05, 2011

I was talking with a friend the other day and he will be retiring in a few years after 30 years in the fire service.

It seems staggering to me that anybody would have the same job for so long and though I'm pleased for him (that he is retiring soon) I couldn't imagine myself ever being in the same position. Imagine going to the same place of work, doing very similar things for 30 years!

Then I look around at some of the WA forums and see people who have been in WA for only a few months, talking about giving up and once again I'm staggered. WA will generate for you, if you are consistent and persistent a residual income. Did you know that if you can generate just £100 (or $100) a month in affiliate earnings that could be the equivalent of a £30,000 ($30,000) retirement annuity. (Heard this on a podcast the other day).

Lets put this into perspective – he worked for 30 years and will walk away with a lump sum of £180,000. If you work hard at WA you could be earning £600 per month within 6 months! Let say that you take it nice and slowly and take 2 years to generate this level of income – you're still 28 years ahead of the game!

So to all those WA members who are not taking this opportunity seriously – think how old you will be in 30 years and if that doesn't motivate you I'm not sure what will.



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Devan Premium
Very good point! And in 30 years .... I'll be approaching the other-side also so I need to get a move on too!
Labman_1 Premium
I expect to be on the other side of the turf in 30 years. Guess I'd better get started.