Posts by Jazonc73 7
May 30, 2010
Had a tough month and had to cancel my acct. I am not going to go into all of it but my son was diagnosed with Autism. I still don't see it -But we have to get from here and get him the help he needs.    And I also have an MRI scheduled for my back on June 9th..  I am going to finally find out why it feels like someone is stabbing my toes with a razor..   Enough about the Negative- here's some good news,  Started blog exactly one month ago and now i have 50 uniques a
April 26, 2010
ok guys..    You guys have been so great on all the comments and stuff, I am going to let you peel a layer off of my onion..    Hope you guys enjoy it..  Go ahead and comment on this blog as opposed to the Lens.. Thanks. --- note:  Not an affiliate link..      
   Nothing in this world has ever been achieved without someone first falling down. Throughout all of history there are countless stories of men and women who have failed, but they would never let that stop them from learning and achieving what they set out to achieve. Thomas Edison is a great example of this principle because when he failed he got right back up and tried again. In fact it took Thomas Edison more than 10,000 attempts to make the light bulb work.  So in my opin
My Blog Post today is a Gift to everyone.. Its my Video Optin Gift that I use to build my list.. NO OPTIN Required for my WA Friends. Leave a Comment and tell me what you think.. Meltdown-By Jason CallHere is the alternate link I'm off to bed!! another 1:30 am day lol-- kids will be up in 5 hours.. UGH!!Jason
April 23, 2010
The success principle that we are going to investigate today  is Desire! Not just any desire, but a burning desire so intense that you have no choice but to do Everything in your power to take your life to a new level. A Burning desire that outshines everything else.  This is one of the master Principles that many great men in history have used to accumulate large fortunes.. Find what it is you most want. think about it intensely with a Burning Desire to achieve it... Jim Carey, Th
April 23, 2010
     You have to be willing to do Everything it takes to succeed, You don't always have to do Everything, But you have to be Willing..                                                            -Jason Call
April 22, 2010
When I was kid, I used to love to go to Disneyland. I loved the feeling of A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N I had the night before so much that I could barely even sleep. On the drive there, I could barely hold in my excitement and often got in trouble because of it. When we finally arrived, we had to park our car in a far away lot and walk Forrrrever and it seemed like we would never get there. Then, We have to wait once more at the ticket counter--CMON--- CANT WE JUST GO IN ALREADY?? We have our tick