Thought For The Day

Last Update: April 23, 2010

     You have to be willing to do Everything it takes to succeed,
You don't always have to do Everything,
But you have to be Willing..

                                                           -Jason Call

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Jazonc73 Premium
so true. :)
I think of it like this... you make a list of all the things that you have to do to hit your goal then you have to Devote yourself to doing those things. You might not have to do all the things on the list.. But you have to be ready to give it a go..
Ezinewriter Premium
This is very true!
Jazonc73 Premium
That's super- (Get it SUPER)..
mixologist559 Premium
thanks for sharing ! this helps reaffirm my commitment to success
Jazonc73 Premium
Thanks Man. ENOUGH with the Neg Balls- I will only write about positive inspiring stuff - we have too much negative stuff pulling us down every day- Hell, I know I do--.. LIFT UP MAN... and we are going to change not only our lives, but the lives of all around us..