My Reason For Change!!

Last Update: April 26, 2010

ok guys.. 

  You guys have been so great on all the comments and stuff, I am going to let you peel a layer off of my onion.. 


Hope you guys enjoy it.. 

Go ahead and comment on this blog as opposed to the Lens..


--- note:  Not an affiliate link..




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Jazonc73 Premium
Thanks Man.. yes I am Lucky!! it only gets better from here..
kadcpp Premium
Dude you are so lucky! We have no children and cannot. I love the fact that Chase has been such a positive influence on you and led you to such a wonderful place in your life.
Jazonc73 Premium
Yeah he is so incredible.. Thanks.. Cant wait to have a conversation with him..
jatdebeaune Premium
I think Chase is a little angel who has come into your life. He's had a profound impact. How beautiful! How lucky you are too. You have each other.