Member Ranking is up to 12!

Last Update: April 25, 2010


I've been watching my member ranking go up and up...

From like 2,400 all the way now to 12..


But the honest truth is..

Who really cares about member ranking?

I have to admit it's kind of exciting..

Yet on the other hand, it's more exciting to see more people succeeding!

There have been so many helpful people here at WA who helped me out..

Especially guys like KLRRider and David Bocock..

Without this support,  I might have given up..

So I am glad to see more good tutorials and videos coming up.

To help "newer" members to get a better feel for how this is done.

Because Kyle and Carson are not perfect,  and neither is any strategy!

So for anyone who is struggling and feeling down ( I know I do A LOT )

keep on PUSHING!!  Eventually something will STICK,  and you will find it.

If you ever need help..  Just ask!  The members here are amazing! 

Thanks again to everyone who have helped me..

And I will continue to strive to help out others.  

WAU is a rockin' community!     </endrant>


- Jeff D.  







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Skybound Premium
Kudos, Jeff. Like a novelty pop group I was there myself not so long ago before I dropped back into deeper waters. Great as it is to achieve that recongition, I took it as a sign I was spending far too much time here on WA and not enough in driving up my Google rankings - which ulitmately of course are what really matter. Hope you are achieving great things outside these four pixeled walls too.
jeffrey73 Premium
Along with those guys I mentioned above I'd like to also add PPG ( of course! ), robbied ( HUGE inspiration ), jpetals, and canuk. Thanks guys for your comments.
veryz Premium
Congrats - that's a nice achievement in such a short time! I know you don't get a prize or anything, but it shows that you have been active and contribute.
cld111 Premium
Congrats on being #12! And great post all around. :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Massive Respect to the WA family worldwide