I can't believe what I am seeing!

Last Update: March 31, 2010

I have been working on website and lens but decided to Google my articles to see how things are going and I am shocked!

Five articles submitted for cats,

First article on first page of all searches weather I use keywords or title or not?

Second comes up first spot on first page but on a puppy blog and the article is about cats! At least my bio and links are intact.

Third article first page seventh spot!

Fourth article not seen yet (maybe I should have tried quotes)!

Fifth article awaiting Ezine approval.

Hows that for for less than a month. Wooooo Hoooooo 

Update fourth article page two got so excited I missed it!

Update 2 my lens was not indexed this morning but I just checked again and it is listed in the second spot!

 Thank you WA and Potpiegirl!

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Nicole 2010 Premium
Nice work ! Your inspiring me : )
kadcpp Premium
Thanks! I am still Googling it to see how the keywords affected them! And what I did right. LOL
caitenmj Premium
congrats! good job!
kadcpp Premium
I have been so amazed I am not getting work done, Thanks!
Slugger_mn Premium
Hey That is cool! Keep it up! haha