Lessons learned
So my first Wordpress website is performing pretty well. I initially planned to monetize the website using adsense alone but it evolved into affiliate products, referral links and an amazon book listing.
I'm getting a lot more traffic now than when I started. I was excited about getting 3 visits per day and now i am up to 80+ per day, my record is 91.
I'm pretty pleased with those results. Big lessons learned though,
1 - Do my keyword research before creating a webpage (buying a domain name)
2 - Put as much focus on placing content on my site as I do on writing articles for article directories
3 - Make sure I use the proper plugins
4 - Write good quality content
5 - CPA seems to have a better conversion rate than trying to get people to pull out their wallets
I have a couple websites but I am going to apply everything I learned so far to this second website. The keyword is somewhat popular and in a couple weeks I'm already #22 on google!
If I can get to page 1 i'm definitely going for that number 1 spot!
Just gotta pick a good theme and I am good to go!
One quick question. How much content did you have on your website before you starting working on getting visitors to your website?