back after a long time away..

Last Update: December 05, 2009

OK, I am back to post in here after being away for a long time. Life just got hard is all I can say. Lost my father to mesothelimoma and emphasyma.

I have enrolled in a new course and learned a lot. I have two websites up and they are getting traffic now. They are WordPress and it focuses on SEO. Took me a long time to put the sites up but that will get faster as time goes by and I do it more often. 

I learned so much! Wow! I have my affiliate links cloaked in the sites because it is not good for you if yoiu don't.

But I have a question...and if anyone reads this please respond.

I want to put a small picture with my link embedded in I have to cloak that too?? If so, how do I do that??I cannot sseem to find the answer to that question.

If I don't get some sales soon, I will have to stop my membership here for a while, in fact...I may have to do that anyhow I need to check my finances.


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kemanS Premium
Thank you, what about the banner links? Do i have to cloak them somehow also? This company/service I am promoting in my website has many many banners I could use. I wanted to use a small one.
Garrd Premium
Kevin when you load your picture and you put it in your site what ever link you use for your other cloaked link is fine to use, for your picture.