OK...ready for another round..DING DING

Last Update: March 09, 2010

Hi there,

 I thought the last post would be my last, but I seem to have until the 27th, and after a good nights sleep, and a couple of good meals...

...I am ready for another round   (((DING)))(((DING)))

This is my dream, and I will continue to go after it! 

Life just gets hard sometimes, just a fact of life. Sitting around bitching, whining, moaning, and complaining doesn't help. Fighting for your dream, working hard, determination, and faith will help you win. 

I've been through my share of hard times and you know what? They make you stronger. I say...BRING IT ON!

Yes, I was knocked on my ass...(not the first time)...but I stood back up and am ready to fight some more. 


...write more articles

...create more squidoo lenses

...get more keywordluv, commentluv, and dofollow backlinks

...do more keyword research with Micro Niche Finder

...launch more WP Niche Sites with the Commission Ritual Methods (they work and I am making a little money with them.)

...continue to learn more and strive for excellence!!

I am not going to quit just because it gets hard..that would make me a wuss!

"I can do all things through HIM" and I have my focus on the right target.

You know what happens to gold in the "firey trials" we go through? it purifies it! Fire also strengthens certain things. 

I still have to let my membership here expire...but...I shall return Lord willing. 

OK, I will stop now... excuse me...I have work to do...time to start fighting back!!

Now, let's go gettem'!!!





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vivacious Premium
All the power to you! Just hang in there. HE will never leave you in the dust because of your faith in him. Best wishes!