Free Tools...

Last Update: March 05, 2010

Hi there!

Friday is here! Not that this means anything to those marketers like I who work 7 days a week on this stuff. But, hey...I love it and it is a good clean activity and I like to work hard. 

 Anyway, I wanted to post some tools I had recommended to me and they are very useful for us in our biz of IM. I am sure that many of you already use these, or know of something better but these are very good nonetheless. 

The first is:

SEO Quake

It is a great tool that will show you along horizontal bar with all sorts of useful info such as Google PR, links, and the list goes on. 

The next one is:

Rank Checker

This tool will show you where your sites are ranked in Google for what keywords. Just fire it up and let it do the work for you. It is pretty accurate. 

Both are free and have videos on the download pages for instruction. 

Hope this helps, if someone knows of better tools let me know. Always looking for good tools to work with. 



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