Making Sales !!! Wahooo!!

Last Update: March 24, 2010


I wanted to let you in on the good news...I am making sales!!


I made 2 sales last week and 3 yesterday, and even though I am not getting rich, I am making money. They pay very good (15%) but the items themselves are small. is a start and I am happy!!

I got them through sites I built through The Commission Ritual and the new course 3 Hour Profit Plan. 

The cool thing is that the site isn't even ranked number one, just imagine what it could do if it were.

Thank you to everyone in here, I wish the amount were enough to pay bills and my membership...but sadly it's not...but I will return.

Remember..."Never quit and Reach your goal or die trying"

 God Bless,



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Slugger_mn Premium
Lord willing(: You bet sir, well it is nice to see you are doing better(;
Keep it up and I am glad that you are not a quitter!
kemanS Premium
Thank you Ladies and Slugger.

Slugger, well I must have mis-wrote my blog, I am sorry...I am not quitting, I just cannot afford the money for my membership here. So, I have to let it expire until I can afford it again. I will be back! :-)

I am not a quitter my friend... I will stick at this until I am a success at it...even if that takes me the rest of my life.

I love doing this is hard work, challenging, exciting...and I truly believe this is what I was meant to do. When I look back at my life it is like I have been guided towards this, I have to give this my all.

Sometimes in life we will go through 'firey trials' but that is when we are being is where we build strength and character. I went through a broken relationship and it hurt like hell, but I am a stronger man now.

Slugger, Cld, and Jatdebeaune...thank you for always giving me pep talks, and motivations. I enjoy reading your blogs.

My last day is the 27th, unless more sales come through before then. But, Lord willing...I will see you again in here.

I truly believe this is the future and we are trail blazers in this new frontier.
Slugger_mn Premium
The last blog of yours I read it said you had to quite! I am very happy to see you turned it around(: Keep it up!
cld111 Premium
Maybe it's not enough to pay the bills YET, but keep repeating what you're doing, and it WILL be enough.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very promising Kevin. You have to keep going. Good job!