Good News!

Last Update: February 04, 2010

I have some good news to share! 

First, a little background so you know what is going on. 

A few months ago I was in my chiropractors office for my monthly adjustment. We got to talking about my IM and he told me about his software he is selling. Then asked me for some advice on how to promote it. I gave him a few ideas and ... we ended up with a handshake deal. Where I would help market his software for him for a commission.

Well, due to the economic conditions of the country and the fact that this software is rather pricey. There have been only a few inquiries. 

There was an inquiry just earlier this week. Today, I was in for another adjustment  and we were brainstorming and I told him my idea of a follow-up email. 

One of the ads in in a classifieds, and they actually email you the people wanting more information. So, I did a follow-up email to this man and got a response back in a matter of an hour or two. 

Now, I just received an email from my Doctor and he has made an appointment to demo the software for the man. Hopefully a sale! It looks good...the customer has a need and this will fill that need.

Lesson learned, one is to send out follow-up emails. Even if the main product is too high priced, you can possibly make a sale on another lesser priced one. This way you are giving them something they obviously need, till they can afford the bigger deal. AND... you make a sale. A smaller sale in your pocket is better than none, and is one more sale you never had before. 

Now that business writing class I took in college paid off.

Wish me luck!! 

 This is so exciting!



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