some answers

Last Update: December 30, 2009

Ok, I posted a question in the forum about my blog falling problem. I come to find out that it is completely normal. The person kind enough to answer told me theirs has dropped off the earth but it came back days later. They said this happens when the competition is sfiff. 

So that makes me feel better. Kind of frustrating that Google changes their algorithms around so often and messes with us like that. 

In response to magistudios here is the url of that blog:

It is my second blog ever and was getting a decent amount of traffic, the people who read it seemed pleased. The topic is hard to write about, but my other blog is easier to write about. There are lots of articles to post about that topic.

 If anyone in here would like to check it out, here it is:

I really am proud of this one, I even have my girlfriend helping me write articles for it. 

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