Posts by Kurt-85 6
Hear is the 411, Recently my websites root domain "" was ranking on google's first page for the keyword "jungle gym xt" in the natural search listings. But even more recently I created an adwords campaign to get a little more traffic and sales out of my site. Well, my campaign was up and was performing great! But the unexpectedly I magically disappeared off of google's front page in the natural listings. I took it upon my self to investigate. Well when I type in "jungle gym xt"
June 25, 2012
First I want to thank Jay, His WAbinars are awesome! The one... "Watch Me Build A Niche In Real Time" gave me the knowledge i needed in order to pull this off.OK, here is the back story. I created a site called I researched the domain which is also the main keyword in Jaaxy just like Jay explained in the WAbinar. I bought the domain, created the site and SEO'd it to the best of my knowledge.Then I let it marinade in the search engines as some would say. not to long after I j
I will share some powerful fat burning information, that will blow your socks off!!! I've been in fitness for a long time studding the subject, in all areas of fitness; like "how to lose fat", "how to build muscle". I know the fads and scams of the supplement industry and many more.But for this quick post I'm going to show you how you can lose 10lbs really fast. How fast? Its hard to say because everyone is different, with unique metabolisms that react differently to variety foods.As fo
Anyway, I herd about a new comment law where everyone will have to type in their IP address and home address before they submit a comment on any blog posts.I don't think its a law yet ... but will be soon. That's JUST what I herd from a friend, it could be hoopla for all I know.I can't find anything on it on my own... I will see if I can get the source from him to share with you all.
June 01, 2012
She is the apple of my eye and I would die for her. She's almost 9 1/2 months and her name is Lexi Astarita. I love watching every little advancement that she makes, to me its always a surprise seeing her do something new.Here is a pic of Lexi making a funny face with pop. Shes not crawling yet, but will stay in the crawling position and rock back and forth a bit. Me and Brittany are trying to strengthen her muscles, to get her ready to crawl. Maybe I can put her on a good workout regimen si
May 31, 2012
I'm drinking Bacardi ...Why? I'm not making money online and I've been at this for along time. Just getting frustrated and discouraged I guess, I don't know. I was a member of wealthy affiliate about a year ago but lost my account (its a long story). For the time that I was a member, I slacked and didn't attack the whole affiliate marketing like I should of.My wallet and my self esteem suffered (but I'm to blame), I think Wealthy affiliate is great and I've learned al