My First Major Success

Last Update: June 25, 2012
First I want to thank Jay, His WAbinars are awesome! The one... "Watch Me Build A Niche In Real Time" gave me the knowledge i needed in order to pull this off.

OK, here is the back story. I created a site called I researched the domain which is also the main keyword in Jaaxy just like Jay explained in the WAbinar. I bought the domain, created the site and SEO'd it to the best of my knowledge.

Then I let it marinade in the search engines as some would say. not to long after I jumped up to the second page but for some reason I caped out. I stayed on the second page for almost 3 weeks.

The site that Jay created in the WAbinar was is called, he managed to get to the first page really fast! I figured I just needed more time so I waited for my site to move to the first page ...nothing.

Here is where it changed... I linked my site to my google profile, changed and added some more content to my my site, and also changed my title and description on my home page using Wordpress seo by yoast.

In my google webmaster tools I used the google fetch and resubmitted my URL. Waited about two days and just today google updated its SERPs for my site. Now my profile pic is next to my link in the natural search listings and I'm on the FIRST PAGE of google for the keyword, "jungle gym xt".

Thank, GOD, I love you...

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sparkle1973 Premium
Great post, thanks!
TduhT182 Premium
I've experienced very similar results with G+ and kinda view G as "The Ladies and
Gentleman's" club where the riff-raff is encouraged to stay with previous entities.
tport144 Premium
Congratulations! This is a very motivating story!
Shawn Martin Premium
Thank G+, they for some reason seem to be dominating. My articles are getting page one through my Google account, anyway, I am glad you made it to page one, and you even get to look at yourself! :P
Helle Premium
Congratulations. Would love to hear you update on how your site progresses from here.