Evil Comment Law True or Not?

Last Update: June 01, 2012
Anyway, I herd about a new comment law where everyone will have to type in their IP address and home address before they submit a comment on any blog posts.

I don't think its a law yet ... but will be soon. That's JUST what I herd from a friend, it could be hoopla for all I know.

I can't find anything on it on my own... I will see if I can get the source from him to share with you all.
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Kurt-85 Premium
Yeah I think it might just be hearsay.
mhamilt Premium
I don't think this will happen, especially as I believe IP addresses are recorded automatically without any user input.
Sielke Premium
Yea, I don't think so. Especially since 80% of internet users don't even know what an IP address is.
magistudio Premium
Hey Kurt, I doubt this will ever happen as a law. Perhaps some plugins for wordpress.. but that is about it.