A Pleasant Surprise

Last Update: June 22, 2011

I subscribe to the slow and steady method of IM.

I'm getting things moving a bit at a time and making some progress.

Haven't checked my Amazon account for a few weeks as I've been kinda busy.

So, popped over to Amazon and found a few sales.  I was a bit surprised as my main site has been in the deep recesses of the web.

It looks like my articles have been driving traffic there anyway.  25 sales this month.  Nothing to write home about but a pleasant surprise.  Looks like SA is doing a good job.

 Thanks for listening.

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angelle Premium
25 sales is great! Congratz!!
muskyblood Premium
Congrats Craig, that is awesome! Keep it up, you deserve it!
burntout Premium
I'm pretty excited for you labman. You've worked hard for it . I wish you continued success. Congrats.
michele Premium
its nice to hear when others on WA make sales, keeps you optimistic until you can make your first sale too!
NEA03 Premium
That's great! I think many people would be very happy about 25 sales.