Monarch Season Opening Early

Last Update: July 28, 2012
Yesterday I was out in the garden picking peas when a lonely little Monarch butterfly came fluttering by. As I am a bit of a butterfly nut, I watched her (Yes, I do know how to identify the sexes of Monarch butterflies) checking out my milkweed plants.

I planted the milkweed several years ago and it has pretty much become established in my garden. I've actually been a war with it this year. I wanted a few plants to feed to the caterpillars, once established Milkweed has a tendency to get out of control. I currently have about 20 plants with 1/2 of them growing right in the middle of the yard.

Well, this butterfly stopped on one of the smaller tender plants and I noticed her bending her abdomen down from time to time. I had never seen this before but when I checked the plants after she left I noticed she had deposited about a dozen eggs on several of the plants.

So, next week they will hatch and I'll be busy raising caterpillars. If you are interested in how this is done, check my Squidoo lens located on my profile page.

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splashduck Premium
Wow, I've wanted to have milkweed growing here for ages but can't find any yet. We used to have milkweed plants in the classroom at school when I was growing up in New Zealand. Hardly see any monarchs here in West Aussie, only in our summer Dec - Feb. Love seeing them but haven't seen a real live monarch caterpillar since my childhood days in NZ. Thanks for your post, I'll go check out your Squidoo Lens:)
Shawn Martin Premium
Cool, I am also fond of butterflies. I will check out your lens
lisawells Premium
I must have milkweed then somewhere - perhaps in the undeveloped area of my property that has weeds and wildflowers? Or maybe the adults are visiting for nectar and just stopping by to sip nectar! So interesting!
Labman_1 Premium
There's' a nice picture of a field of milkweed on my Squidoo lens if you need help identifying it.
lisawells Premium
I have seen some Monarchs around my yard - I don't think I have milkweed, but I am sure from my identification book that they are Monarchs - perhaps it is the Hollyhocks which everyone seems to love or the red Monarda (bee balm) - I am heading to your Profile to check out your Squidoo lens!
Labman_1 Premium
They only eat Milkweed. Nectar from flowers is fine for the adults but Milkweed is required for the caterpillars.
nana-diana Premium
what a lovely comment - still winter in NZ but this post lifted the spirit - thankyou Labman