Caterpillar Hunting

Last Update: August 12, 2012
I have a problem, I let some milkweed pods germinate in my backyard.
Now they have infiltrated my garden and are growing out into the yard. This isn't a huge problem as I am a Monarch Caterpillar raiser. At this time of year, I collect Monarch caterpillars and raise them in a bucket. When they go into their chrysalis' I mount them and give them as gifts to important people in my life.

They enjoy them for a week or two then when they hatch they release them back into the wild.

This year, as I was picking peas, I saw a Butterfly stop by my milkweed and deposit eggs. 5 days later they hatched out in the bucket that I had provided for just this eventuality.
I have 5 growing caterpillars from the batch that I saw her lay. Apparently, another mother has been by recently as there are 4 more eggs that were deposited within the last day or two.

With all the activity in my backyard, I decided I might try checking a few milkweed fields today to see if there were any Monarch caterpillars about.

I checked about 100 plants or so and saw some indication that there was activity, this takes the form of Caterpillar castings. But out of the whole field I only located one Caterpillar. It was fully formed and will probably start it's transformation into a Chrysalis within the next few days. My others are still under an inch long.

As I was returning to my car, I saw a brilliant Yellow spider hanging out in the field. I have located an image of this spider for your enjoyment. I took some pictures but stayed far enough away that they probably didn't do the spider justice. Once I am able to transfer them(lost my cable) I'll see how they look.

I wonder if this is what a Google Spider looks like?

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Shawn Martin Premium
Sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing this.
gud Premium
A Monarch caterpillar almost looks like a long green tiger. It is the same color as the milkweed leaf as base color and then has yellow, black and I think I remember some white stripes to give if a Tiger like look. As they get larger they have long black horn like appendages. They are very interesting insects. I used to raise them myself when I lived in Ohio some 20 years ago.
Thanks for the memories Labman
willdoweb Premium
Cool. Thank you, I think I've seen some of those before
mama2karsten Premium
perhaps :) enjoyed the article
willdoweb Premium
I grow and raise a lot of my own food - always adding to it as space /money /need permits. When I finish building my house (yes, I'm building a house) I plan on having the whole shebang. So, having studied about raising so much my own, edible and medicinal plants, home remedies, natural cures for pests etc... I find it almost embarrassing to ask... what does a monarch caterpillar look like?
stadium Premium
A few days back I woke up to the feeling of something crawling on my back. I think it was a spider. Freaks me out now, considering the big spiders I have seen in my basement.