Am I sabotaging myself
I have read, over and over again, that it should take 20-30 minutes to produce and article. I have looked at many of the articles being produced on e-zine and find that most of them look like they have been written in 20 minutes. They are full of fluff and very little substance.
So I sit down to write a well thought out organized article that makes a point and attempts to create within the reader the feeling that I know what I'm talking about, to provide substance and a learning experience.
I try to keep the fluff to a minimum but then I'm not spending 20 minutes on this thing either.
So, my question to the readers---- Does the client care?
Do I need to up my game and pump out fluff just to get the backlinks and be noticed by the search engines or should I continue on my path of providing quality content and plod along at this pace.
You will feel good about yourself, too, and that's important. When I read various articles online I find the majority to be subpar. I like your writing style and think your readers will as well.
Having said that, keep in mind that high quality doesn't mean long. Apparently the articles people like the best are the ones with a few bullet points on your topic. Short and sweet but with real valuable information. My tendency is to want to exhaust a topic to death by covering it from every possible angle. If that's your challenge, then narrow down your topic to something you can cover in a few bullet points for each article. You may end up with ten or fifteen articles where you originally thought you had only one, but that's what you want, right?